Saturday, 21 May 2011

NHS employees need Personal Safety Training

The general consensus amongst people is that the training given to an individual can all to often be the difference between life and death.

Unfortunately there are many incidents where the lack of professional training has resulted in the fatality of one or more innocent human beings.

The tremendous costs attached to incidents where people are seriously injured or worse

as a result of bad training has to be carefully balanced against the trauma suffered by the
victim and their families.

A BBC Panorama investigation found that violence against NHS staff affected 75,000 NHS

employees at a cost to the health service of more than £100 million, despite the
government launching a zero tolerance policy on attacks against staff.

The total cost to the NHS is equivalent to the salaries of 4,500 nurses, Moreover,

Panorama found that less than two per cent of all attacks resulted in prosecutions.
Dr Peter Carter, Chief Executive and General Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing
(RCN), said: “It is completely unacceptable that so many physical assaults on nurses and
other NHS staff took place in the past year”.

Of course this is just a snap shot of a huge problem that affects the lives of millions of

people working in a wide variety of industries where at some point in their daily routine
they are working alone and are in a potentially dangerous situation and therefore are
open to all forms of verbal and physical abuse.  

CPDT (Corporate Progressive Development Training) spent several years researching the
training services industry, and found that many of the training resources available to
individuals are either very unrealistic or are delivered in a inappropriate way that
disengages the participant within the training course.

Gary Payne, Senior Tutor for CPDT said “So many important skills are being taught by

inexperienced tutors that have no realistic understanding of the material they are
delivering, it is no wonder that so many people receive poor training in the vital skills to
keep them safe”

CPDT provide a suite of training packages designed to provide the participant with the

relevant skill set to improve their performance at work and save their lives.

find out more a

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