CPDT- Corporate Progressive Development training provide bespoke training solutions in personal safety, life skills development, conflict management, specialist training services.
Monday, 7 November 2011
Professional Personal Safety: Milton Keynes & Bedford “Young People are our Futu...
Professional Personal Safety: Milton Keynes & Bedford “Young People are our Futu...: Milton Keynes & Bedford “Young People are our Future” - JUST 7 days to go - Update WE NEED HUNDREDS OF YOUNG PEOPLE AND THEIR FAMILIES T...
Milton Keynes & Bedford “Young People are our Future” - JUST 7 days to go - Update
Milton Keynes & Bedford “Young People are our Future” - JUST 7 days to go - Update
With JUST 7 days to go until the Young People are our Future events in MK & Bedford, I thought I would provide you all with an update of what's been happening...
Monday 14th November - Jury's Inn, CMK / Friday 18th November - Bedford School, Bedford
In the last couple of days I received yet another reminder of why this event is so important and WHY we have to provide our children with the right LIFE SKILLS to empower them with the skills to avoid a potentially dangerous situation. I pick up several calls a month from distraught parents who are trying to assist their children through a very difficult time normally to do with bullying.
On Friday, another call of this nature came my way, only this time the situation was every parents nightmare. A young 9 year old boy had been showing signs of being bullied for several months. His parents had approached the school where he attended where they received a lot of support from his teachers. Despite the school agreeing to deal with the situation promptly it seemed the bullies just changed their tactics and the situation gradually got worse.
His mother told me that despite trying on numerous occasions to deal with the situation and provide love and support, her son was noticeably falling into a depression which was increasingly becoming difficult to deal with.
She went back to the school on 5 separate occasions but found it very difficult to get any practical help. On Wednesday of last week, the young boy attempted to end the misery by consuming a large number of pills.
His mother told me that in just a few weeks he had changed from a confident, outgoing and friendly young boy who loved sport to a moody, reclusive individual who just wanted to be on his own and not eat.
We owe it to young people like this to provide them with the right LIFE SKILLS to deal with situations like these. Let's STOP talking about doing the right thing and actually get of our bums and start acting.
Join the hundreds of young people and their families at the Jury's Inn and Bedford School to help us demonstrate that some important issues can be dealt with in a fun and engaging way:- Issues which include, Confidence Building, Personal Safety, Positive Body Language, Professional Communication Skills and much more. Using the mediums of dance and music some key life skills will be taught to enable local young people to achieve all that they want to in life.
- There will be an exciting SINGING workshop where young people will be taught some basic skills, which will lead them into a HUGE sing-a-long.
Imagine several hundred people aged between 5 - 16 years all singing their hearts out.
- There will be an exciting DANCE workshop designed to get those young bodies active. Once again hundreds of young people will learn some basic
moves leading up to a HUGE dance-a-long.
- There will be a very important workshop on KEY LIFE SKILLS development. Young people will learn some important skills to increase their personal
safety and assist them in identifying and avoiding potentially dangerous situations such as being BULLIED.
- There will be performances from a few local stars who will blow you away with their singing and dancing talent
Other activities at the events include:
- A mini auction where FANTASTIC gifts donated by local companies will be sold to raise money for Children in Need
- A unique competition for young people to use their creative sides to deign powerful and inspiring posters on key issues such as bullying and safety
- A selection of local groups and clubs will be providing information on activities that young people can do
Special Guests include MK Lions who will be present giving out FREE tickets to their next home game.
To make this event even more exciting the whole experience is being filmed for TV. We want to capture the faces of hundreds of young people and their families singing, dancing and learning some important life skills. In addition to the film crew, we also have a professional photographer who will be present snapping away to creating some fantastic lasting memories of the event, which will be placed on the Life Skills web site and Flicker.
Listen to breakfast on Three Counties Radio on Wednesday 9th November to hear all about the event - 104.5 FM
A personal message from the event organisers
There is a huge amount of evidence today to suggest that young people are not being taught the correct life skills to provide them with the opportunity to become the best they can be. We have a growing number of young people who struggle to comprehend the difference between right and wrong and do not have the right core values to become respectable members of their communities.
So much negative press is created about the youth of this country and the term "Broken Britain" is growing momentum in certain circles. We feel the need to strike a balance and send a clear message to MP's and local Government that the majority of young people provide a fantastic contribution to society and that we CAN increase this number as we have the solution to providing every young person with a set of key life skills to increase their personal safety, reduce the chance of them becoming a victim to bullying and ultimately improve their self esteem and confidence.
Events like this one will clearly demonstrate that there is enough expertise and support within the local community to provide young people with a set of skills, which will enable them to set and achieve their goals so that they can comfortably become the next generation of business and community leaders.
We have the solution, now we need the support from the everyone including the business community to make young people the best they can be.
The Life Skills for Children course - Course Content
Young people are taught a set of valuable skills designed to empower then with the ability to be the best they can be.
Communication skills, personal safety awareness training, confidence building, presentation skills are just some of the modules young people experience with
Life Skills for Children.
To ensure all young people are equipped with the social and emotional skills, along with the necessary life skills to enable them to succeed in the community.
Life Skills for Children provides young people with:
- A flexible course in personal safety and communication
- A child friendly anti-bullying programme
- Target 5 - 11 / 11-16 year old children, all physical abilities
- A preventative measures programme
- A simple step by step tuition for children
- A better line of communication between Teachers, children and their parents
- A great behaviour management course
- A practical approach to good communication skills development in schools
Course Benefits
Practical and realistic tools for children to:
- Increase awareness of potentially dangerous situations
- Improve team building skills
- Develop the ability to set and achieve goals
- Improve communication and interpersonal understanding
- Builds self-confidence, self-discipline and respect for others
- Reduce the negative affects of BULLYING
- Measurable outputs from each session
Course Delivery System
This very effective personal development course for young people is taught to teachers in just 1 day. Teachers will experience the following:
- An introduction into the Life Skills for Children course
- Understanding Social Responisbilty
- Fringe Area Assessment (Awareness skills - How to assess and avoid a potentially dangerous situation)
- Colour Coding - (Mind Set Development Drills)
- Body Language Assessment and Proximics - (Understanding the different ways in which we send messages through negative and positive body language)
- Negative and positive profilers - (Understanding what information to provide people and how we create routines which are easy to follow)
- Be calm and Breath - (Stress management exercise)
- Tricks & Lures - (Internet safety to luring tactics)
- The Law made easy for young people
- Home study card system
- Course measurement system
Check out:http://shop.cdptrainingco.com
Gary Payne / Michelle Crook - Event Organisers
Please help us create an awareness of these events by placing the details and poster on your Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter pages
Milton Keynes - Monday 14th November - Jury's Inn, CMK - Starts at 4 pm for 2 hours
Bedford Event - Friday 18th November - Bedford School, Erskine May hall, De Parys Avenue - Starts at 7 pm for 2 hours
Please contact gary@lifeskillsforchildren.co.uk for further information on how you can get involved and help local young people
Imagine several hundred young people and their families experiencing two hours of high energy activities and having FUN, whilst raising money for Children in Need. Its going to be FANTASTIC. These events are being filmed for TV so why not come in your school / group uniform or fancy dress
Help Us - The next few DAYS will be dedicated to the LAST BIG PUSH to get several hundred young people and their families to the events in MK and Bedford. We need your help to promote this event, so please direct as many people as you can to www.lifeskillsforchildren.co.uk / www.reactiv8.org.uk where they can download a poster of the events and find out more information.
We are specifically interested in working with schools and groups that can bring groups of young people to the event. If you work within such a school or group and can bring a group of young people, please contact gary@lifeskillsforchildren.co.uk or michelle@reactiv8.org.uk
Maybe you know some influential people who are local or national heroes from the world of sport, TV, music. The more influential people we have at the events the more powerful the message.
Personal Safety Seminar for Adults
THANK YOU for taking the time to read this important email. I would like to take this opportunity to invite you, your friends and colleagues to a very popular personal safety and awareness seminar that is being run on Wednesday 30th November at the Home Retail Group HQ in CMK. The seminar has been successfully delivered to over 15,000 people and is guaranteed to increase your personal safety and confidence. For those of you with no prior experience - DON'T WORRY - A majority of the seminar content is non-physical and designed for beginners. The content is regularly taught to Police and Military personnel.
For further information on this event please click here or visit www.cpdtrainingco.com
Weekly classes visit: www.garypayne.net
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
RSDA is Back - Kids & Adults MA classes / Seminar / Events in MK
For over 15 years the RSDA (Realistic Self Defence Association) dominated the Milton Keynes Personal Safety and Martial Arts scene. It's founder Gary Payne was a regular writer for numerous industry magazines including Black Belt UK, Combat and MAI (USA). Twice inducted into the MA hall of fame, Gary worked with numerous school owners across the UK and most recently the USA and Canada.
To celebrate the good work the LSFC course has achieved and the fantastic services available to young people locally, Jury's Inn are hosting a 2 hour, high energy event where up to 500 young people will learn some important skills from the course. Check out: www.lifeskillsforchildren.co.uk for details on the Young People are our Future event.
To kick the rebirth of the RSDA in a commercial sense, a popular personal safety and awareness seminar is being run at the Home Retail Group HQ in CMK on Wednesday 30th November. Check out: http://www.cpdtrainingco.com/WeeklyClasses/Seminars.aspx
The RSDA were a regular feature at the biggest Martial Arts exhibitions in the UK and more recently USA providing Demonstrations and workshops in everything from traditional Wing Chun kung fu to practical and realistic military unarmed combat training.
At their peak the RSDA boasted several hundred students, before Gary decided to take a break and dedicate his time to a NEW course he had created called "Life Skills for Children" (LSFC)
LSFC is designed to provide young people with a unique set of key skills to increase their personal safety, reduce the chance of them becoming a victim to bullying and provide them with the communication skills to develop a wonderful level of confidence and allow them to both set and achieve their goals.
After successfully teaching the course to over 5,000 young people through schools and community groups, Gary is currently working with several schools within Bedfordshire and MK to develop the course as a regular part of the schools curriculum.

Now that a milestone has been reached with the LSFC course, Gary is once again dedicated his FREE time to the RSDA.
Classes are starting again in and around Milton Keynes for young people aged 5 - 16 years
There will be Wing Chun classes and practical and very effective fitness and self defence classes for adults. Check out: www.garypayne.net for further details.

Professional Personal Safety: Personal Safety Seminar to be hosted by Home Retai...
Professional Personal Safety: Personal Safety Seminar to be hosted by Home Retai...: With 1 in 4 women being subjected to some form of domestic violence and the media bombarding us with stories about violent assaults ...
Personal Safety Seminar to be hosted by Home Retail Group HQ in CMK
With 1 in 4 women being subjected to some form of domestic violence and the media bombarding us with stories about violent assaults on a daily basis, it is quite likely that somebody in your circle of friends is suffering quietly.

Experts from a local company called "CPDT" specialise in designing and implementing training programmes to increase an individuals personal safety and awareness skills.
“We provide professional training solutions to a number of clients including blue chip companies, military and police personnel, and a vast array of people from a wealth of different backgrounds. There are many companies that provide what we call death by powerpoint education that is very boring and ineffective. The CPDT training modules are all very interactive and whilst all of the material within the courses is non-physical the delivery method is proving to be very popular,” said, Andy Poole a senior instructor at CPDT.
The CPDT are very keen to work with companies that are dedicating time and resources to providing their employees with practical and realistic skills to increase their personal safety and ultimately their confidence and ability to become the best they can be.
Once such company is the Home Retail Group, who for the second time in 2011 are providing their employees with an opportunity to learn some valuable life skills.
"Having a safe and confident work force is essential to the continued success of this company" said Alan Footit - Home Retail Representative
The next seminar is to be held on Wednesday 30th November at the Home Retail Group HQ in Central Milton Keynes. For further details of this event, please visit: http://www.cpdtrainingco.com/WeeklyClasses/Seminars.aspx
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Milton Keynes & Bedford “Young People are our Future”
Just 3 weeks to go - Update
Less 3 weeks to go until the Young People are our Future events in MK & Bedford, I thought I would provide you all with an update of what's been happening...
Monday 14th November - Jury's Inn CMK / Friday 18th November - Bedford School Bedford
MK Lions have now confirmed they will be attending the event and providing attendees with some FREE tickets to their next home game in MK.
This is a great opportunity for young people to meet some local sporting giants.
We are very excited to announce that local production company 3rd Lens will be filming the The Young People are our Future event for TV
A local professional photography company will be at the event to capture every smile and dance move. Photos will be published on the Life Skills web site & Flicker
Local singing coach, Jo Tinker will be running a fantastic workshop where young people will be taught some simple exercises to train their voices and then will
participate in a huge group sing-a-long to a popular song
Young People will develop some basic skills to improve their personal safety, confidence and ability to identify and avoid a potentially dangerous situation.
Life Skills for Children in the ultimate anti-bulling course available to young people today
A big thank you to MK NEWS who will be promoting the event in their 26th October publication and Three Counties Radio who are helping to spread the word
Please help us create an awareness of these events by providing the relevant details on your Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter pages
Please contact gary@lifeskillsforchildren.co.uk for further information on how you can get involved and help local young people
Imagine several hundred young people and their families experiencing two hours of high energy activities and having FUN, whilst raising money for Children in Need. Its going to be FANTASTIC. These events are being filmed for TV so why not come in your school / group uniform or fancy dress
Help Us - The next few weeks will be dedicated to getting several hundred young people and their families to the events in MK and Bedford. We need your help to promote this event, so please direct as many people as you can to www.lifeskillsforchildren.co.uk where they can download a poster of the events and find out more information.
We are specifically interested in working with schools and groups that can bring groups of young people to the event. If you work within such a school or group and can bring a group of young people, please contact gary@lifeskillsforchildren.co.uk or michelle@reactiv8.org.uk
Maybe you know some influential people who are local or national heroes from the world of sport, TV, music. The more influential people we have at the events the more powerful the message.
Milton Keynes - Monday 14th November - Jury's Inn, CMK - Starts at 4 pm for 2 hours
Bedford Event - Friday 18th November - Bedford School, Erskine May hall, De Parys Avenue - Starts at 7 pm for 2 hours
Remember, a driving force behind the event is the opportunity to:
1. Raise money for Children in Need
2. Demonstrate that practical and effective life skills training can be fun and engaging
3. Demonstrate that there are a lot of good local services available to young people
Event Organisers
Gary - 07725 481769 / gary@lifeskillsforchildren.co.uk
Michelle - 07966 685530 / michelle@reactiv8.org.uk
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Home Retail is hosting a very successful Personal Safety event
Wednesday 30th November - Home Retail Group, CMK
Home Retail HQ in CMK is the venue for a personal safety event that has been successfully delivered to over 15,000 people from all over the city over the last few years.
The seminar is dedicated to learning some simple and practical skills to increase an individuals personal safety.
CPDT (Corporate Progressive Development Training) are providing a two hour event, which will tackle many of the concerns local people have regarding their personal safety.
Issues such as knife avoidance and being assaulted from behind will be dealt with amongst other things. The response from those that attended the last event was very positive.
“I was very impressed with the lack of “holding back” and that made the scenarios more realistic which in turn did not leave you thinking “could I do that?”. I have been in classes
(I have a couple of belts in tai kwon do) where instructors are a bit soft though knowledgeable but this did leave you feeling “would this work?” this class however took the practice to the next level. This is definitely a class I would recommend to any person in business as however much or little you got “stuck in” you benefited and there was no room for being self conscious”. said Liane for Argos.
The statistics surrounding violent assaults are quite staggering with 1 in 4 women suffering some form of abuse and 2 women a week losing their lives through a physical assault. Men are equally likely to become a victim with assaults against men showing an alarming spike in certain areas over the last few years.
This event was designed to provide people with some basic skills to significantly reduce the chance of them becoming a victim, said a CPDT representative.
The Home Retail Group is committed to providing their employees and the local community with services that increase their personal safety and confidence. The benefits of having a work force of confident, safe and productive individuals are clear to see on a daily basis.
Further information on this event can be found at the CPDT web site: www.cpdtrainingco.com
Saturday, 21 May 2011
NHS employees need Personal Safety Training
The general consensus amongst people is that the training given to an individual can all to often be the difference between life and death.
Unfortunately there are many incidents where the lack of professional training has resulted in the fatality of one or more innocent human beings.
The tremendous costs attached to incidents where people are seriously injured or worse
as a result of bad training has to be carefully balanced against the trauma suffered by the
victim and their families.
A BBC Panorama investigation found that violence against NHS staff affected 75,000 NHS
employees at a cost to the health service of more than £100 million, despite the
government launching a zero tolerance policy on attacks against staff.
The total cost to the NHS is equivalent to the salaries of 4,500 nurses, Moreover,
Panorama found that less than two per cent of all attacks resulted in prosecutions.
Dr Peter Carter, Chief Executive and General Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing
(RCN), said: “It is completely unacceptable that so many physical assaults on nurses and
other NHS staff took place in the past year”.
Of course this is just a snap shot of a huge problem that affects the lives of millions of
people working in a wide variety of industries where at some point in their daily routine
they are working alone and are in a potentially dangerous situation and therefore are
open to all forms of verbal and physical abuse.
CPDT (Corporate Progressive Development Training) spent several years researching the
training services industry, and found that many of the training resources available to
individuals are either very unrealistic or are delivered in a inappropriate way that
disengages the participant within the training course.
Gary Payne, Senior Tutor for CPDT said “So many important skills are being taught by
inexperienced tutors that have no realistic understanding of the material they are
delivering, it is no wonder that so many people receive poor training in the vital skills to
keep them safe”
CPDT provide a suite of training packages designed to provide the participant with the
relevant skill set to improve their performance at work and save their lives.
find out more a t www.cpdtrainingco.com
Unfortunately there are many incidents where the lack of professional training has resulted in the fatality of one or more innocent human beings.
The tremendous costs attached to incidents where people are seriously injured or worse
as a result of bad training has to be carefully balanced against the trauma suffered by the
victim and their families.
A BBC Panorama investigation found that violence against NHS staff affected 75,000 NHS
employees at a cost to the health service of more than £100 million, despite the
government launching a zero tolerance policy on attacks against staff.
The total cost to the NHS is equivalent to the salaries of 4,500 nurses, Moreover,
Panorama found that less than two per cent of all attacks resulted in prosecutions.
Dr Peter Carter, Chief Executive and General Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing
(RCN), said: “It is completely unacceptable that so many physical assaults on nurses and
other NHS staff took place in the past year”.
Of course this is just a snap shot of a huge problem that affects the lives of millions of
people working in a wide variety of industries where at some point in their daily routine
they are working alone and are in a potentially dangerous situation and therefore are
open to all forms of verbal and physical abuse.
CPDT (Corporate Progressive Development Training) spent several years researching the
training services industry, and found that many of the training resources available to
individuals are either very unrealistic or are delivered in a inappropriate way that
disengages the participant within the training course.
Gary Payne, Senior Tutor for CPDT said “So many important skills are being taught by
inexperienced tutors that have no realistic understanding of the material they are
delivering, it is no wonder that so many people receive poor training in the vital skills to
keep them safe”
CPDT provide a suite of training packages designed to provide the participant with the
relevant skill set to improve their performance at work and save their lives.
find out more a t www.cpdtrainingco.com
Personal Safety for Lone Workers
This year alone headlines included ‘Dundee Nurse’s After Dark Fear’, ‘Violence Life of hospital Staff’ and ‘Attack in NHS Hospital Every Three Minutes’ to name just a few.
Nigel Dean, Head of health Sector Development, Telefónica O2 UK Limited, stated in October 2008: “81% of Lone Workers are concerned about violence or aggression, whilst 56% of those in the NHS, Local Government and Housing Associations have experienced aggression at least once in their careers”.
The UK's health & safety Laboratory (HSL) developed 18 case studies, approached over 400 organisations across a range of different professions, sent detailed questionnaires to all and conducted countless interviews. The outcome of these widely respected case studies is of great relevance to the importance of effective personal safety training. In their case studies the HSL outlined a number of key risks:
Alcohol and drug use, by clients and members of the public with whom the lone worker comes into contact.
Certain geographical locations known to have a higher risk of violence.
Working late evening carried an increased risk of violence because there were generally either fewer people around and there was a higher risk of facing individuals under the influence of class A drugs and alcohol.
Lone workers holding position of power or authority over customers or clients.
Other members of the public, youths, animals and situations encountered whilst carrying out operational duties.
The consequences of violence or aggression at work have also been well documented. The effects on the individual lone worker can include stress, anxiety, fear and depression, often resulting from having to deal with persistent verbal abuse.
For several reasons, not a lot can be said with certainty about the effect of obligatory personal safety training and how it may it contribute to reduce injuries and fatalities on lone workers. Firstly, such studies must be completed over a longer span of time than the few years that have passed since safety training became obligatory. Secondly, fatality and injury rates must be normalised against comparable data on the number of lone workers, with respect to workdays, hours on the move, time of operational duty and location.
However, there is every reason to believe that personal safety training has positive effects on lone workers safety and the rates of injuries and fatalities, although, for many reasons, this is difficult to prove with concrete figures. Personal safety training is without a shadow of a doubt one of the most effective ways of reducing the risk of violent and aggressive incidents occurring in the workplace. All employees should be administered, not only training for the physical hazards of their jobs, but the emotional ones as well. There is a reason companies have a Human Resource (HR) department. Take advantage of all of the recommended HR training, such as Violence in the Workplace and Conflict Management.
Training of this kind is an investment in the personal safety of lone worker, will save cost in the long run and above all prevent depression, stress, lack of confidence and many other issues within the workforce
When planning a personal safety trainining event for your lone workers, enforcement team or other frontline employees, it should be ensured that the invited trainer or instructor allows time for all delegates to share any previous experiences with physical or verbal aggressors and consider potential future situations of risk to ensure maximum learning benefit for the lone workers themselves. CPDT are one of the very few companies providing such realistic personal safety training courses.
visit www.cpdtrainingco.com or visit the shop at http://shop.cpdtrainingco.com
Nigel Dean, Head of health Sector Development, Telefónica O2 UK Limited, stated in October 2008: “81% of Lone Workers are concerned about violence or aggression, whilst 56% of those in the NHS, Local Government and Housing Associations have experienced aggression at least once in their careers”.
The UK's health & safety Laboratory (HSL) developed 18 case studies, approached over 400 organisations across a range of different professions, sent detailed questionnaires to all and conducted countless interviews. The outcome of these widely respected case studies is of great relevance to the importance of effective personal safety training. In their case studies the HSL outlined a number of key risks:
Alcohol and drug use, by clients and members of the public with whom the lone worker comes into contact.
Certain geographical locations known to have a higher risk of violence.
Working late evening carried an increased risk of violence because there were generally either fewer people around and there was a higher risk of facing individuals under the influence of class A drugs and alcohol.
Lone workers holding position of power or authority over customers or clients.
Other members of the public, youths, animals and situations encountered whilst carrying out operational duties.
The consequences of violence or aggression at work have also been well documented. The effects on the individual lone worker can include stress, anxiety, fear and depression, often resulting from having to deal with persistent verbal abuse.
For several reasons, not a lot can be said with certainty about the effect of obligatory personal safety training and how it may it contribute to reduce injuries and fatalities on lone workers. Firstly, such studies must be completed over a longer span of time than the few years that have passed since safety training became obligatory. Secondly, fatality and injury rates must be normalised against comparable data on the number of lone workers, with respect to workdays, hours on the move, time of operational duty and location.
However, there is every reason to believe that personal safety training has positive effects on lone workers safety and the rates of injuries and fatalities, although, for many reasons, this is difficult to prove with concrete figures. Personal safety training is without a shadow of a doubt one of the most effective ways of reducing the risk of violent and aggressive incidents occurring in the workplace. All employees should be administered, not only training for the physical hazards of their jobs, but the emotional ones as well. There is a reason companies have a Human Resource (HR) department. Take advantage of all of the recommended HR training, such as Violence in the Workplace and Conflict Management.
Training of this kind is an investment in the personal safety of lone worker, will save cost in the long run and above all prevent depression, stress, lack of confidence and many other issues within the workforce
When planning a personal safety trainining event for your lone workers, enforcement team or other frontline employees, it should be ensured that the invited trainer or instructor allows time for all delegates to share any previous experiences with physical or verbal aggressors and consider potential future situations of risk to ensure maximum learning benefit for the lone workers themselves. CPDT are one of the very few companies providing such realistic personal safety training courses.
visit www.cpdtrainingco.com or visit the shop at http://shop.cpdtrainingco.com
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